What is Reiki?

What is Reiki?

We've all had a really bad headache at some point in our lives, it's inevitable, but think about this question. Where did your hands go? When your stomach began to hurt that one time when you ate that burrito, or that time when you went too hard on your workout in the gym, where did your hands go? It's a natural reaction for our hands to go wherever the pain is on our body without our mind thinking twice about it. Guess what? You're doing self Reiki without knowing it! Congratulations, you're alive and functioning naturally! Reiki is just that simple! 

Now to understand what it is that you're actually doing is something completely different. Let's start by breaking down what the word really means. Mikao Usui created Reiki in the 1920s using two Japanese words to describe exactly what it was that he was practicing. The word "Rei" means universal and the word "ki" means something like the life force of energy. Our hands are the main tool in performing Reiki on ourselves and others. Sounds basic, but believe me, your hands are far from basic. The hands on a human are one of the more complex, yet remarkably beautiful parts of the natural mechanics of the body. 

Think about it. How can such a small part of the body allow us to have so much power and strength, AND have the ability to be gentle enough to manipulate the smallest of objects with amazing precision! Check this out! The majority of hand movements are controlled by muscles that aren't even located anywhere near the hand! Hell, just a finger has the ability to support the entire body weight with training! Imagine that! So if our fingers and hands are that powerful physically, there's no limit to what they can do otherwise. Hopefully you get the jest of how miraculous and complex our hands really are and further help appreciate what comes next.

Hands are the receptors and manipulators of energy in Reiki therapy. From my personal experience, a tingling or burning sensation is felt in many areas I've worked on during self sessions and meditations. When performing Reiki on others, it has been said that they also experienced the tingling, burning, cold, as well as a light pulling or pulsating sensation, and/or a sense of calmness and relaxation, some people even got emotional. Crying, laughing, and being indifferent are all normal feelings during and after a session. How you feel all depends on you, and where you are in your own personal journey.

A Reiki session is generally in a private setting and is extremely peaceful. Depending on what type of session you are participating in, the session could be anywhere, but the tone is always the same. It's best to either sit in a chair or lie flat on a table with all your clothes on. (Side note, you can use the floor. I personally don't recommend it because it will take twice as long to complete a session. A 360 degree space optimizes the experience, and allows for other tools to be used.) The safe space is then created with a hand gesture specifically for the practitioner, and then an additional space is created for both parties. Next, the practitioner (or you) will place their hands lightly on or over the head, arms, torso, etc. a minimum of 3 to 5 minutes or as long as needed. The average session takes anywhere between 45 to 90 minutes, depending on what's needed, or if you have specific areas you'd like to focus on. 

Reiki targets beaming, centering, clearing, extracting harmful or bad energies, infusing, raking and smoothing the aura. I use crystals and healing wands to help with the process, and to protect the space from negative energy. However, it's not mandatory or completely necessary. With distant Reiki, crystals most definitely assist with sending the energy vibrations the distance it needs to travel without losing its ability. 

The sessions vary from person to person. It all depends on what you'd like to achieve personally. I normally give myself Reiki an average of three times a month to keep my aura clear, maintain the flow of my energy throughout, and to keep my anxiety and depression at bay. I also meditate daily with varies crystals in addition to my Reiki sessions.  Reiki should never be used in place of medical attention. However, some people that are living with incurable conditions find Reiki to be a useful method to truly relax along side their normal care. 

If nothing else, Reiki is definitely a gateway to help anyone achieve spending time with themselves, and aiding in meditation. Reiki may not be for everyone, but it doesn't hurt to try it at least once or twice in your life. It surely helped me effectively gain balance and inner peace to the point to where I was moved to gain the knowledge and resources needed to help others start their journey as well, and became a Reiki practitioner 3 years ago. Proud and certified since October 13, 2019.

Thanks so much for reading! Until next time, sending love, light and the ability to manifest the shit out of life!



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